Free CRISPR resources for your classroom
CRISPR has revolutionized biological research and medicine — and now it’s poised to transform your teaching, too. Harness students’ excitement over this revolutionary technique with our CRISPR classroom materials, including these free resources:
- Webinars: Whether you’re getting yourself up to speed on CRISPR basics or introducing your students to the technique, our webinars can be great teaching aids. Check out our What is CRISPR? webinar to learn how the system works, then continue on to CRISPR/Cas Gene Therapy to learn how the system is being applied in medical settings.
Our CRISPR paper model in action - Paper models: Our printable paper models walk students through the mechanics of the CRISPR system in a way that’s visible and tangible. Choose from two options:
- Sickle cell gene therapy walks students through the CRISPR construct currently being used to treat patients with sickle cell disease.
- Snail shell coiling unpacks a basic science application of CRISPR, in which the system was used to reverse the direction of shell coiling in snails.
- DNAdots: DNAdots are two-page biotechnology explainers, written in plain English. The CRISPR-focused entry in this classroom-friendly series comes with a set of discussion questions, making it an ideal pre-lab or homework assignment.
If you’ve tried our free materials and your students are thirsty for more, consider bringing real CRISPR/Cas gene editing into your classroom. We offer two labs that give you a chance to carry out genuine CRISPR DNA editing with your students:
- Knockout! In this bacterial transformation lab, students use CRISPR to induce a color change in E. coli bacteria.
- Chopped! Use Cas9 and different guide RNAs to cut DNA in vitro, then run the samples on an electrophoresis gel to confirm the cut.